I saw Felienne Hermans give a talk on Hedy at Splash! but that wasn't recorded sadly, but here is a presentation too a much larger audience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4eSjA6btE8 that I hope covers the same material.
It is a wonderfully amazing project. I don't know if the video goes into it yet, but when you see how truly egalitarian the project is, you are both proud and ashamed of humanity. Proud that Felienne made this project and all the lives she is improving, but ashmed that it took us this long. Lets make up for it by making everything we design with the same affordances. Lets democratize access to the future.
You might recognize Felienne from her research on Spreadsheets which I feel was a thing here around 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CKru5d4GPk It feels like that was the start of resurgence in respect for Spreadsheets.
Aren't all the SIGPLAN conferences recorded now? At any rate, her talks were recorded:
(I was also at SPLASH24 and thought she gave great talks. :) )
I wonder how much projects like Hedy appeals to adults over kids.
Egalitarian, multilingual coding sells well to parents. Children, so I hear, just want to make Minecraft mods or Roblox games.
Seems like a tension between the customer and the user.
In the video I saw, and of course it is by the Hedy team, about Hedy, but it showed kids very much being excited that the keywords were in their language. There are a lot of kids in the world and meeting them where they are is important.