Team Trump Says Mark Zuckerberg Has 'More Ass-Kissing' to Do

35 points


a month ago


nine_zeros a month ago

America has gone full third-world corrupt. I honestly don't know where this country is heading any longer.

Remember just 1 decade ago, people thought that the UK couldn't slide downward and yet here we are. No reason why it can't happen to America when the power is literally handed to crooks with no checks and balances.

tayo42 a month ago

The whole article is concerning. Somehow there is no protection from this. The government can attack and threaten people?

  • kccoder a month ago

    The protection against this was to not vote him back into office. We’ve done something very, very stupid, and many will suffer.

  • bell-cot a month ago

    "The government" is a bunch of humans. If those humans do bad things, then no "I can't believe they would _____" indignation by outsiders, nor intervention by (say) Santa Claus, will somehow magically stop them.

    • piloto_ciego a month ago

      Exactly this; nobody will save us but ourselves.

  • jmye a month ago

    The government can do (literally) whatever a majority of voters are willing to encourage and/or accept.

    In this case, this is precisely what Trump voters wanted, and what every non-voter said they were ok with.

    • rsynnott a month ago

      No it can’t; there are rules, and there are the courts. However, in the US, the courts are at this point compromised to some extent, too.

zug_zug a month ago

> At the dawn of a second Donald Trump era, Mark Zuckerberg has been busy sucking up to a president who last year threatened him with life in prison.

I'm guessing most of the upvotes are schadenfreude and hoping that the lesson here is that is that he'll be no less pushed-around in the Trump term than he ever was in the Biden term?

shortrounddev2 a month ago

Imagine being one of the richest men in history and still bending over to take it from a bunch of law school grads.