We already have a mechanism for this and it's called the Department of Transportation. But as we've seen in recent decades, we can't be reliant on our administrations to do their jobs. You can see on any headlights they have a D.O.T. number but these have been faked by unregulated imports for a long time.
But aftermarket isn't even the issue here. A lot of cities have given up any kind of enforcement for illegally modified cars, let alone DOT updating regulations for new technologies. I was pulled over regularly as a teenager for having lights I purchased at AutoZone for "being too blue". I doubt that ever happens anymore.
Why did they stop? Seems like a ticket quota wet dream
There is probably too much overlap between the people who become police officers and the people who think unsafe modifications to cars should be legal
Let's see the calibration certificate for the measurement instrument, and your training records.
This doesn't really work to get you out of a ticket.
They can't even figure out how to approve a replaceable standard LED bulb after 20 years while consumers just buy them anyway.
There is no standard LED bulb for external vehicle lighting. Every car with LED lights has proprietary lighting. Only halogens and HIDs have standard bulbs. LEDs cannot replace halogens because they don't project light from the same location or radiate it in the same pattern. Projector and cutoffs do not solve this problem.
(a) I think issues mentioned are basically moot (or solvea le) for brake lights and they still haven't done anything.
(b) The lack of any standards for LED bulbs and only having proprietary lighting is definitely part of the problem.