I don’t bookmark. I have a "Home" page with "One-liners & Links of the Day." The links are listed in reverse chronological order by day. Only this month is kept on the home page. There are links to previous months’ home pages at the bottom. Since it's a web page, I am not constrained to how some “Bookmark” manager wants me to view links. I can add whatever I want. Annotations, color, and non-links like code snippets are in there. If there is Too Much Information (TMI) I collapse it in a detail / summary HTML tag.
If I actually go back frequently to a link or to a piece of code, I put that link or code snippet in a more permanent "Document" web page which groups the items by topic. For example:
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At the moment, I am keeping the web pages local. There is a duplicate on an actual web server so it can be accessed from other devices.I like your idea of custom HTML homepage storing all your links and snippets.
Do you feel it's easy to add links from your phone?
A screenshot would be lovely, if you feel like sharing one.
I feel it is difficult to do anything on the phone and don't use it so much. Adding a bookmark temporarily on the phone and adding the link later is easier from the laptop.
This seems like an interesting way to approach this problem. obviously this is different for everyone, but do you find a chronological approach useful? also do you manually edit the webpage? if you have some code thats helping you manage your system itll be cool if you can share it. I like the approach here, and making it a webpage makes it super easy to do some of the other things i wanted as well
Reverse chronological shows the most recent first which is useful.
It's a manual system. Web pages, HTML and style are manually edited with a text editor. There is more code, HOWTOs and notes on my private home pages. Here is a public page: