Show HN: TabPFN v2 – A SOTA foundation model for small tabular data

I am excited to announce the release of TabPFN v2, a tabular foundation model that delivers state-of-the-art predictions on small datasets in just 2.8 seconds for classification and 4.8 seconds for regression compared to strong baselines tuned for 4 hours. Published in Nature, this model outperforms traditional methods on datasets with up to 10,000 samples and 500 features.

The model is available under an open license: a derivative of the Apache 2 license with a single modification, adding an enhanced attribution requirement inspired by the Llama 3 license: You can also try it via API:

TabPFN v2 is trained on 130 million synthetic tabular prediction datasets to perform in-context learning and output a predictive distribution for the test data points. Each dataset acts as one meta-datapoint to train the TabPFN weights with SGD. As a foundation model, TabPFN allows for fine-tuning, density estimation and data generation.

Compared to TabPFN v1, v2 now natively supports categorical features and missing values. TabPFN v2 performs just as well on datasets with or without these. It also handles outliers and uninformative features naturally, problems that often throw off standard neural nets.

TabPFN v2 performs as well with half the data as the next best baseline (CatBoost) with all the data.

We also compared TabPFN to the SOTA AutoML system AutoGluon 1.0. Standard TabPFN already outperforms AutoGluon on classification and ties on regression, but ensembling multiple TabPFNs in TabPFN v2 (PHE) is even better.

There are some limitations: TabPFN v2 is very fast to train and does not require hyperparameter tuning, but inference is slow. The model is also only designed for datasets up to 10k data points and 500 features. While it may perform well on larger datasets, it hasn't been our focus.

We're actively working on removing these limitations and intend to release new versions of TabPFN that can handle larger datasets, have faster inference and perform in additional predictive settings such as time-series and recommender systems.

We would love for you to try out TabPFN v2 and give us your feedback!

141 points


2 days ago


gcr a day ago

Thanks for such a cool project! It's immediately apparent how to use it and I appreciate the brief examples.

Quick question: In the breast cancer example from the README, simple support vector machines from sklearn (the first thing i tried to compare baseline performance, incidentally) seem to outperform TabPFN. Is this expected? I know it's a baseline to demonstrate ease of use rather than SOTA performance, but I am curious.

    # (TabPFN)
    In [13]: print("ROC AUC:", roc_auc_score(y_test, prediction_probabilities[:, 1]))
    ROC AUC: 0.996299494264216

    # (LinearSVC)
    In [27]: from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
    In [28]: clf=LinearSVC(C=0.01).fit(X_train, y_train)
    In [29]: roc_auc_score(y_test, clf.decision_function(X_test))
    Out[29]: 0.997532996176144
  • noahho 21 hours ago

    Author here! The breast cancer dataset is simple and heavily saturated, so small differences between methods are expected. As you say, single-use examples can be noisy due to randomness in how the data is randomly split into training and testing sets especially for a saturated dataset like this one. Cross-validation reduces this variance by averaging over multiple splits. I just ran this below:

      TabPFN mean ROC AUC: 0.9973
      SVM mean ROC AUC: 0.9903
      TabPFN per split: [0.99737963 0.99639699 0.99966931 0.99338624 0.99966465]
      SVM per split: [0.99312152 0.98788077 0.99603175 0.98313492 0.99128102]
      from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
      from tabpfn import TabPFNClassifier
      from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
      from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
      import numpy as np
      data = load_breast_cancer()
      X, y =,
      # TabPFN
      tabpfn_clf = TabPFNClassifier()
      tabpfn_scores = cross_val_score(tabpfn_clf, X, y, cv=5, 
      print("TabPFN per split:", tabpfn_scores)
      print("TabPFN mean ROC AUC:", np.mean(tabpfn_scores))
      # SVM
      svm_clf = LinearSVC(C=0.01)
      svm_scores = cross_val_score(svm_clf, X, y, cv=5, 
      print("SVM per split:", svm_scores)
      print("SVM mean ROC AUC:", np.mean(svm_scores))
    It's hard to communicate this properly, we should probably make sure to have a favourable example ready, but just included the simplest one!
    • gcr 10 hours ago

      thanks, this is helpful!

      I certainly appreciate how the example in the README makes it instantly apparent how to use the code.

instanceofme 2 days ago

Related: CARTE-AI, which can also deal with multiple tables.

The paper includes a comparison to TabPFN v1 (among others), noting the lack of categorical & missing values handling which v2 now seems to have. Would be curious to see an updated comparison.

  • onasta a day ago

    TabPFN is better on numerical data since v1 (see figure 6 in the CARTE paper). CARTE's main strength in on text features, which are now also supported for TabPFN v2 API version ( We compared this to CARTE and found our model to be generally quite better, and much faster. CARTE multi-table approach is also very interesting, and we want to tackle this setting in the future.

mlepath 16 hours ago

Great work!

Do you see any artifacts from having trained on synthetic data? Is there a natural benchmark dataset (real tables in the wild)?

In my experience synthetic data can only take you so far, it has all the quirk the dataset creator can think of but the real value is usually in patterns they cannot. Vision took a huge leap forward with ImageNet dataset release

peepeepoopoo99 a day ago

How can you train a tabular foundation model when the tabular features themselves are inherently domain-specific? Is there some kind of preprocessing step beforehand to match the inference time features with their closest analogues in the training set?

  • ersiees 19 hours ago

    Yes, there are normalizations applied before the features are fed to the neural network. Additionally, the neural network is trained on a very diverse set of artificial datasets.

patcon a day ago

Neat! Might this even be useful to impute missing data for a sparse network of votes, for a system like this ( whose goal is to do dimensional reduction and visualise the opinion space of divisive social topics:

200 voters on 50 statements would fall within the 10,000 sample threshold. This is well within the bounds of some existing conversations with open data, so it could be tested... Potential values on each statement are agree/disagree/pass (+1/-1/0)

tmostak a day ago

This looks amazing!

Just looking through the code a bit, it seems that the model both supports a (custom) attention mechanism between features and between rows (code uses the term items)? If so, does the attention between rows help improve accuracy significantly?

Generally, for standard regression and classification use cases, rows (observations) are seen to be independent, but I'm guessing cross-row attention might help the model see the gestalt of the data in some way that improves accuracy even when the independence assumption holds?

  • ersiees 19 hours ago

    Author here: The new introduction of attention between features did make a big impact compared to the first variant of TabPFN. The old model handled every feature like it was completely different to be feature 5 vs 15, but actually features are typically more-or-less permutation invariant. So the logic is similar to why a CNN is better for images than an MLP.

  • dist-epoch a day ago

    Speculating, cross-row might give you information where you are in that row distribution.

enigmaa99 a day ago

I tried this on a few CARTE datasets and it works surprisingly better!! Woahhh

pplonski86 20 hours ago

Amazing results! Beating AutoML with single model is not easy :)

Could you please explain like I'm five what is doing a trick? You have model pre-trained on large set of small datasets and you leverage it to boost performance?

Training is fast, few seconds, but what is time needed to compute predictions?

How large is the model?

  • ersiees 19 hours ago

    To put it very simply, the trick is that while the others train a new model for each problem, TabPFN is pre-trained to handle any kind of problem on the fly.

    To draw a parallel to NLP: previously people trained a neural network for each kind of text classification they wanted to do, but then LLMs came around that pre-trained to learn to perform new tasks on the fly. Similarly, TabPFN learns to do new tasks on the fly just from the context (dataset) given.

    Training and prediction in these models is by default one and the same, similar to how the prediction of the next token in an LLM is not split into learning from context and then doing the actual prediction. There is a way to split this even up, though, then the predictions, I believe, take something like 1/10s for medium-sized datasets.

Dowwie 18 hours ago

Congrats on your release. What is the best way to share feedback? I would like to share with you what I believe to be a challenging problem that this may help with.

storyweaver2 21 hours ago

Did you compare the performance with o1 or Claude 3.5 Sonnet?

  • noahho 20 hours ago

    Author here! The fundamental challenge is that LLMs like O1 and Claude 3.5 simply aren't built for the unique structures of tabular data. When processing tables through LLMs, the inefficiencies quickly become apparent - tokenizing a 10,000 x 100 table as a sequence and numerical values as tokens creates massive inefficiencies.

    There's some interesting work on using LLMs for tabular data (TabLLM:, but this only works for datasets with tens of samples rather than the thousands of rows needed in real-world applications.

    What o1 and other LLMs typically do is wrap around existing tabular tools like XGBoost or scikit-learn. While this works, they're ultimately constrained by these tools' limitations. We're taking a fundamentally different approach - building foundation models that natively understand tabular relationships and patterns. Our approach combines the benefits of foundation models with architectures specifically designed for tabular data structures.

hooloovoo_zoo a day ago

Were your benchmark methods tuned per dataset or across datasets?

  • ersiees a day ago

    Tuned per dataset

    • noahho 20 hours ago

      Up to 4 hrs of tuning per dataset / split (10-fold CV)

bbstats a day ago

looks amazing - finally, DL that beats a tuned catboost?

nickpsecurity a day ago

A while back, I was looking for a project amateurs could do for experimenting with Transformer alternatives and optimization algorithms. My concept was grabbing objective, test functions from the literature, making custom ones based on realistic data, and layering them together based on real-world depth. Then, training various approaches on them using consumer GPU’s or spot instances of high-end GPU’s.

What I read in this paper blew that idea out the water! I mean, it’s still doable but you’ve far exceeded it.

I love that you covered many types of structures, used 8x consumer GPU’s more like OSS folks do (widely-accessible pretraining), claim no copyright infringement for pretraining, and use enough techniques in ML that people can enjoy Googling stuff for days.

I do have some questions about what I might have overlooked in the paper.

1. Is the training data and code available to reproduce the model? And iteratively improve its architectural decisions?

2. Most authors claiming their data was legal or open were actually committing copyright infringement. Your method might dodge that if users generate their own synthetic data using methods they can verify aren’t themselves encumbered. Is that code available under open licensing? If not, would you offer it for a fee for companies or free for researchers?

3. What specific, common uses could amateurs try that would display the model’s ability in a business setting? (Both to drive more research or build products on the model.)

I thank you for your time.

  • ersiees 18 hours ago

    Author here!

    Thanks :)

    1. Only for the first version, not for this version. I am sorry! 2. Yeah ours is guaranteed ok, as we wrote code to generate it basically just from plain torch ops. The code to run inference is available, just not the training code and data generation. 3. We have put it to work on time series data, which is very business relevant for example, and we have a table in the Appendix with all datasets we evaluate on in our main analysis to give you some ideas for possible datasets.

xnx 2 days ago


_giorgio_ a day ago

It's probably the same model with the same limitations, released nearly two years ago?

  • onasta a day ago

    There have been a ton of improvements! Much better performance overall, way larger data size limit (1K-->10K rows, 100-->500 features), regression support, native categorical data and missing values handling, much better support for uninformative or outlier features etc.

  • ersiees a day ago

    No, it is *much* stronger, a different architecture and scales to 10x the number of examples. It can also do regression now, and handle categorical features. Please, have a quick look at the abstract before making such claims.