Looks cool, love work in this direction. I wonder how learning rates w this would compare to taking notes on paper like in a traditional lecture, which some studies show improves learning [0].
[0]: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-writing-by-ha...
Back on Highschool some teachers aware us about this particular con of laptops, I always thought that the worst part is that we are very prone to distractions and laptops offer a lot. Now my point of view is that a "cool" UI can give the brain some dopamine and keep you stick to learning more time than you would in a notebook, so this behaviour could counterbalance the handwriting benefits. At least, this is the theory. Nice point!
Handwriting is extremely important.
Anecdote: been learning Mandarin for almost a month now, I've been typing the pinyin of each character and my retention did not improve significantly. So, for the past week, I've been learning how to write it on my phone Chinese drawing keyboard and so far I've learned over 60 new characters all in the past 5-6 days with a surprisingly strong retention rate.