This happens to me, a lot. I now consider it part of my workflow.
I submit something for testing.
It gets ignored by everyone else.
I keep testing like mad, fixing even the smallest "niggles" that I can find, re-releasing, and, each time, asking for input.
Which I seldom get.
In the end, I say "Fuck it. Let's ship." but I don't do that, until I'm really sure that there's no more bugs to be found (spoiler: There's always more bugs to be found, and they pop up, immediately after I release).
I'm constantly testing my work. It never stops, and the frequency of my testing, has virtually nothing to do with whether or not anyone else tests, or even gives me any feedback.
I use Apple's TestFlight for my team testing. It registers -roughly- how many times the app under test is run by individual team members.
My own testing is always an order of magnitude greater than the next person, and that is just a fraction of how many times I run it in the simulator, before releasing the test build.
I'm not especially upset about that, but I don't spare a lot of sympathy for folks that complain about something after shipping, that they had every chance to catch, beforehand.
But, if they are right, I'll still fix it. I just won't feel very sorry for them.
I have a similar pattern. Usually the issue ends up being not that I wrote a lot of bugs, but that I wrote the wrong thing. So as least for me it's important to drum up some users before I put too fine a finish on it.
I’m not really a fan of the MVP model, as I think it results in substandard product, but it is actually a very good way to get end-user feedback.
The main issue, is the same as with controlled testing: There’s often a dearth of useful feedback.
With shipping product, people just vote with their feet. They don’t use it, and won’t tell you why. In the case of the stuff I write, we deliberately keep as little information as possible, about our users, so soliciting feedback is a challenge.
I spend a lot of time, “reading tea leaves,” so to speak. I try to watch people use my stuff “in the wild.” I find focus groups and usability testing to be almost worthless.
The surprise is usually the mental model that users develop. It can sometimes be radically different from the actual way the software works. That’s not always a bad thing, though. Sometimes, we should “lean into” an inaccurate model, if it reinforces the usefulness of our work.
I do write a bit about that kind of thing, here:
I agree with the mental model bit - I think this is the most important thing in a "good", "intuitive", or "learnable" product and I wish it was center stage for ux designers.