capturing and uploading a whole new PNG for each screencap is not what I would call 'efficient', and to meet the use case of in the first place it should have some OCR mechanism to pull up the relevant screencaps.
The thing that enabled and MS Recall is storing the series of screenshots more like a HEIF, allowing for massive compression ratio and on-device storage + OCR provided by the OS (Live Text since Monterey 2021 [0], Microsoft introduced it last year for Snapdragon based AI-PCs [1])
I guess this is a good starting point if the goal is to fill S3 buckets with screencaps of multiple users, but then we're just back to corporate spyware, not tools for helping individuals use their machine more effectively.
That said, if I was using my own minio backend, it would be neat to archive my screen captures but I would change it so it captures after, say, every keystroke, and every time my mouse stops moving, and after every click. That way I have high density capture of taking actions, and low density otherwise. In any case collecting the data is not the issue, making an interface where that data becomes useful to help me remember something is.
PNG per frame? Ouch.
If I was to build one of these, which I'm not, I would try for a RTSP to bucket uploader. That way you could do the actual capture and compression with OBS like any other streamer - or use it with IP security cameras etc. You'd probably end up with a pile of video-ts pieces which could be replayed later using HLS.
I know right :') Not very efficient yet.
I've also explored Swift AVFoundation to drop frames and colours at the moment of recording, but won't be implementing it at this time.
This was just a POC, and couldn't hack it in a day.
ffmpeg works well, especially on apple silicon using video toolbox. That's how I approached it.
Also, automatically doesn't cost storage for identical screenshots (no activity) and very cheap for just moving your mouse around or typing a few characters.
rem looks very intriguing, I'll give it a try, cross platform would be even better ofc. You're doing it without funding?
I wish the LLMs were tuned into the open source landscape more, so when someone has an idea for a POC and asks the bot to write it for them, it would go clippy mode and say "it looks like you're trying to build an open source rewrite of Rewind, would you like to clone the rem repo and contribute to that instead?" lol
No funding- I built mostly over 2023-2024 holidays and then a little here and there.
And yeah- lots of similar projects and/or possible startups have popped up as well
Edit: 2022-2023 holidays, time is hard
> we're just back to corporate spyware
Most feel that Recall is also this.
Interesting ideas! Seems worth exploring for sure.